Explore Teaching Opportunities

As a leading provider of professional education, UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies continually seeks highly qualified instructors with in-depth experience. We invite you to explore the courses and programs we offer. If you believe that you would be a good fit or have an idea for a new course, we encourage you to apply. The list below represents a partial and growing collection of the numerous opportunities we offer at UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies. This call for instructors will remain open indefinitely.

UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies operates on the quarter system. The process of instructor selection, approval, scheduling and hiring can take up to six months. An instructor's assignment to teach a course is contingent upon the University's academic approval of the course and the instructor.

For areas not listed below, please contact the academic department directly.

UC San Diego is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values a diverse workforce.

If you are currently or have been an instructor for the Division of Extended Studies, please contact your department's Program Representative and let him or her know that you are interested in teaching for another area. Please do not complete another application.

If you have already created an account and would like to view or update a saved or submitted application, please log in to My Account.

TitleArea of Interest
Academic Connections: InstructorEducation and Community Outreach
Accounting InstructorBusiness and Leadership
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling InstructorHealthcare
Applied Statistics InstructorData Analysis and Mathematics
Behavioral Sciences InstructorHealthcare
Business Instructor (Online, In-Person or Hybrid)Education and Community Outreach
Career Advising Instructor (Online or In-Person)Business and Leadership
Communications Engineering InstructorTechnology
Community AmbassadorInternational Programs
Computer Science Instructor (Online, In-Person, or Hybrid)Education and Community Outreach, Technology
Engineering InstructorTechnology
Environmental Science InstructorEnvironment and Sustainability
ESL InstructorInternational Programs
Facilities Management InstructorBusiness and Leadership
Healthcare InstructorHealthcare
Information Technology InstructorTechnology
Instructional Design InstructorDigital Arts
Leadership and Management InstructorBusiness and Leadership
Life Sciences InstructorSciences
Marketing InstructorBusiness and Leadership
Nursing InstructorHealthcare
Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) InstructorOccupational Safety and Health
Photography InstructorArts and Humanities
Play Therapy InstructorHealthcare
Pre-College AutoCAD Instructor (Online, In-Person, or Hybrid)Education and Community Outreach
Pre-College Revit Instructor (Online, In-Person, or Hybrid)Education and Community Outreach
Professional Development or In-Service InstructorEducation
Programming Languages InstructorTechnology
Regulatory Affairs InstructorSciences
Science Writing InstructorWriting
Small Business and Entrepreneurship InstructorBusiness and Leadership
Test Preparation: ASVAB InstructorEducation and Community Outreach
Test Preparation: IT CertificationEducation and Community Outreach
Showing 1 - 33 of 33
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